Sisters In Cars Scandinavia Gothenburg 2024
1 INSPIRING SUCCESS STORIES – Women making a mark in the automotive world
2 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS – Why they chose the car industry
Panel – Breaking barriers – Overcoming gender bias in the car industry
3 Keynote: Women in leadership – Empowering Female Executives in the Automotive Sector
- Panel
4 SCIENTIFIC REPORT - Keynote: Scientist … (TBA)
The perception of the egalitarian Nordic region is not entirely in line with reality. The perception is a kind of tabloid reality based on indices that give the impression that it is no longer important to work for equality.
- Q & A
5 E-MOBILITY - Future of E-Mobility – How can women shape the evolution of transportation? - - Lessons learned
- Keynotes and panel
6 EQUALITY AT WORK – The systems in the car industry are made by men, for men. How do we change them? Obstacles or possibilities?
- #metoo
WORK-LIFE BALANCE – Challenges and Solutions for women in the car industry
7 OUTLOOK - TRENDS - What´s trending in the Automotive industry? Outlook to tech, infrastructure, design, e-mobility, …
8 SAFETY – Innovations and safety – How can women contribute to making cars safer?
9 EDUCATION – From STEM to the Car Industry – Encouragig Girls to Pursue Automotive
- How can we collaborate with the learning institutions?
- Carreer paths – what are girls choosing? Why? …
10 WOMEN AS CONSUMERS – Understanding and meeting needs of female car buyers
11 MENTORSHIP & NETWORKING – building supportive communities for women in automotive
12 SUSTAINABILITY IN THE CAR INDUSTRY – Women driving environmental change
13 Humans vs. Machines: The Future Role of People
Keynote – Jennifer Vessels, Future-ready innovator delivers Silicon Valley innovation to global audiences - inspiring action,change and success in the Future of Work with the Metaverse, Innovation Eco-systems and business Growth.
14 How can you make new interesting partnerships with other companies (not sponsorships)? Cases ...
15 How do we make money in the aftermarket as the number of electric cars increases?
16 How do we get more women to choose the automotive industry?
17 How do we make the car industry attractive to young people?
DINNER – mingle
The program is a preliminary draft. Changes can be expected.
Get together or get behind!
Fantastic with the breadth of all the speakers, that there were both young and more experienced women, pluss one man. Important to keep this setup for other conferences. It becomes very personal and all the participants can feel a sense of togetherness with someone purely in terms of age as well.
In a survey after the SICS conference in Oslo, we asked:
Which was your favorite session?
- These are some of the answers:
"I think the mix was the best, with young women and their stories, Agneta and Charlotte, the scientists, etc. The total mix was the best!"
"The workshop day 2 and the breakfast session at NIO House, pluss the mingle at Polestar Space. It was nice to get together and meet other women from the industry. We are now connected. Thank you!"
"Agneta Dahlgren. Both her success story and the history of Renault Group and
Megane E-Tech.
The car painter, Åse Brekke Roe. I loved her success story. "
"The stories of the young women, Åse, Emma and Mia Alexandra. It was authentic, motivating and inspiring.."